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St Joseph’s Church, Carterton
Online Donations
Scan the QR code

or click the following link
Anyone who wishes to start donating weekly/ monthly either through Gift Aid or direct debit/ Standing order may download the form below or contact Fr Paul Whieldon for the form.
Gift Aid Declaration (Page1) & Standing Order (Page 2) Form.
Contactless donations
At St Joseph's Church we now have a portable contactless card reader on a floor stand for use in the church. It is situated between foyer and the entrance to the church hall as you enter/leave the church:

Using the Machine:
Follow the instructions, it will prompt if you want to add gift aid. If you gift aid it will remember that you have registered for Gift Aid or if you prefer you can also insert your card into the payment device and enter you pin to make a donation.

FAQ Contactless Donations
What information is collected when I make a contactless donation without Gift Aid?
No personal information is collected when you donate using your contactless card without Gift Aid.
What is a Gift Aid declaration?
Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) requires all charities claiming Gift Aid to get donors to complete a Gift Aid declaration. It should state that the donor:
● has paid the same amount or more in Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax in that tax year
● agrees to Gift Aid being claimed
What information is collected when I make a contactless donation with Gift Aid?
When a contactless donation is made with Gift Aid the following HMRC mandatory information is collected:
● donor’s full name
● donor’s home address
How long is my information kept if I donate with Gift Aid?
Charities must keep a record of declarations for 6 years after the most recent donation Gift Aid is claimed on. Donors can unregister at any time by informing the charity.
Who are SumUp?
SumUp are the payment processor of contactless donations. SumUp is authorised as a Payment Institution by the Financial Conduct Authority (license no. 900700) and is EMV (Europay, Mastercard, and Visa) and PCI-DSS certified, ensuring that payments are processed in accordance with the highest security standards. Any donations made to a charity are first received by SumUp and then paid to the charity at a frequency set by the charity.
Who are Dona?
Dona is a trading name of Regium Consulting Limited, a London based technology firm working with churches and charities. Dona is a contactless donations product and service provider
The Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, Reg. Charity No: 234216

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